Every two years my Guild has a quilt show. It is held during the Scarecrow Festival weekend at the end of September. It is a busy time getting ready, not only for my entries but I do the show labels and signs or I should say I do it with a lot of help from Peter. He is a whiz when it comes to using Pagemaker, much easier and quicker than me struggling with it and asking him questions all the time! More pictures from our quilt show can be found here.
All ready for visitors.
Peter and Brian helping to hang the show.

Molly's quilt Pinkalicious Parade, all ready to be mailed to Calgary where they already have had snow!
Blessings my challenge, a table runner
My bee, the Cove Quilters have taken on the responsibility for the Silent Auction of the Guild Challenges. This year the money raised is going to be donated to Christmas Daddies, a charity that makes Christmas happen for needy families through donations and a telethon to be held early December. We put together 32 kits of 5 different fabrics, all were sold and we got back 21 finished pieces. Despite the lower number of completed challenges, we made more money than we ever have before, over $1700. All in all a very satisfying Silent Auction.
Cheryl in front of the fabric barn at Suttles and Seawinds in Mahone Bay, NS.
Inside Suttles and Seawinds
Just before the Quilt Show we had a visit from very dear friends from England who were on a cruise that took them to Norway, Iceland, Greenland, NS and then on to New York. They were supposed to go to the Hebrides and St. John's as well but the weather and the small detail of a hurricane axed that plan and they got in to Halifax a day early. So we had a wonderful dinner at the Wooden Monkey then the next day picked them up for a jaunt to the South Shore and then lobsters and a visit with 2 of our Grandchildren here. All in all a most wonderful and treasured couple of days! I don't think we stopped taking for a second. Lucky for us it was a picture perfect day and warm.
At Pier 20, Halifax waterfront, on to NYC!
Then last Thursday I was asked to do a trunk show for my "city" guild, the Mayflower Quilters Guild. Mayflower is kind of the "mother guild" for NS with about 10 chapters around the province. They began in 1974, just a year after I started quilting. I jumped right in and joined, so happy to find a group of women who also loved to do what I did. Over the years I served on many committees and did my bit by doing the program and workshops and serving as President, as well I was on both Quilt Canada committees in 1984 and 1994. So when I was asked to do the trunk show I was thrilled to gather up my 39 years worth of quilts and share them with the members of Mayflower. I was pleased to see some familiar faces in the audience, several who go back as far as I do. I felt like I was in a race - 39 years of quilting in one hour! Many of my quilts and wallhangings have been given to family and friends or sold on commission but I think I gave them a good cross section of what I have done and several quilts in progress. I just can't work on one thing at a time! If you go here you can see some of the quilts taken by the Guild's photographer (I hope that works!). Just click on the right hand side of the picture, in the middle, to see the slide show.