Molly is my 5 year old Granddaughter and she lives a long way away. When we first met Molly, she was 2 months old, I took her for our first walk and we went to a quilt store, she slept through it but she still loves to go to quilt stores with me. She has her baby quilt, doll quilts, a Hallowe'en quilt and a quilted wallhanging but she is long overdue for a big girl quilt for her bed. When we visited last time we went to our favorite quilt stores and picked out fabric...all pink.
I am making log cabin blocks but not traditional ones. The centres are different sizes, the logs are different sizes but the finished blocks will be 12".
As I started making the blocks, I realized it was a lot of pink so now there will be sashing...with a bit of pink! Hope she likes it!