Cove Quilters Challenge #5

My bee's 12"x12" challenge is done! Our 5th challenge theme was "Stars" thanks to Linda H, we could use any techniques incorporating a star theme in the block and as the others it had to be 12" x 12' finished. It has been fun doing these challenges. While I haven't gone too far out of my comfort zone, I have tried to use new to me techniques or try techniques I wasn't comfortable with and wanted practice - like paper piecing.

Thanks to Krista at Poppyprint, I had seen a block on this blog, Six White Horses along with the paper piecing pattern so I thought I would attempt it. I have done some paper piecing in the past and I always found it a bit awkward. I learned to piece the traditional way almost 40 years ago with templates and keeping in mind the straight of grain. With paper piecing the straight of grain sems to not be an issue. At least I haven't figured out how to do it!

Friends are Like Stars with thanks to my very special friend Cheryl who gave me a ceramic heart with this quote - "Friends are like stars, you don't have to see them to know they are there". An appropriate quote as we live many miles and an ocean apart, but we will always and forever be friends.

All the bee blocks, closeups can be seen here in my Flickr Photostream.

Heather is in charge of our next challenge. She gave us a small piece of fabric, a few snowflake buttons and the theme "Winter". We are to use the fabric in any amount, front or back and use at least one of the buttons. This is going to be a wonderful January project, I already have an idea but Christmas comes first!