Quilter's Retreat

Inside, looking out to the Northumberland Strait.

The 14th Mayflower Quilter's Guild Bi-annual Quilter's Retreat at Pictou Lodge was another big success. Quilters keep coming back, 2 have come to all 14, I have been to 13. Many have been to 10 or more. This year we had 58 quilters, of those only 13 were there for the forst time. We had rain and wind for 2 days, sun for 2 days, a little bit of everything. Just right for a fire in the beachstone fireplace.

It was great to have Cheryl Arkison and Penny Berens with us as teachers and 24 quilters were "hermits" in the independent study. Pictou Lodge is such an ideal place to have our Retreat, peaceful and calm and we are well cared for.

Where the "hermits" worked independently.

Where I worked on my hand pieced "Jazz Hands". One day it will be finished! The 15th Quilter's Retreat will be late September 2015. Plans are underway!