This little block has been sitting on my dresser for ages. I was cleaning yesterday and when I picked it up I realized it had been a while since I really looked at it. It is 8 3/4” x 9”, there is no batting, the centre 4 triangles and the green strip in the upper middle left were originally a much darker green. I could tell when I pushed back a bit on the seam. There are 49 pieces in the top.
Detail of the left corner.
Detail of the centre
As much as I love the front of this block, the back is truly wonderful! There are 23 pieces of fabric and I just love the bits of red! As i said “waste not want not”!
Detail of the back right hand corner.
I bought this little block from a dealer in the Merchant Mall at the Continental Quilting Congress in Washington, DC back in the early 80's. I have no idea who I bought it from. I have often wondered about it, who made it, where did they live, why so many pieces on the back, when was it made? The fabrics are a little “coarse” compared to quilting cottons of today. The piecing stitches are quite fine, the quilting is done “in the ditch”. It must have been much brighter when it was made, some of the fabrics look like they are a solid and not a print but on closer examination you can see faint prints. I am not going to frame it, I like looking at the back and think it is a true testament to the patience of all quilters who make their quilts by hand.